A Story continued…

I'd like to share more of my mom's story.   I left off after she got out of surgery.  That night, I didn't have school the next day, so I was the one who spent the night at the hospital.  Let's just say, stories about that first night and the things my mom said made it around the hospital.  


She was delirious most of the night, would wake up asking for my brother Reed (brother) often, or Ross (other brother), never me.  She kept asking me if I was “Nancy”.  She didn't know me.  Then she'd occasionally wake up and say, “this wasn't like my carpal tunnel surgery, this is some serious shit”-that's the statement that made it all over the hospital.  Then she'd say,  “Nancy, Nancy is that you?” to me.  I'd reply, “no mom, it's Page, your daughter".  It felt like I had been erased from her memory.   Hours of this repeating.  


I felt lost.  I wasn't sure who this woman was lying in the bed that didn't know me.  I wondered if this would now be her life.  I wondered if she'd ever remember me.  And why did she keep asking for Reed, what was he so good at?  I was confused and sad.  Finally, around 5 am, she woke up and recognized me, “Page is that you?”, she started making more sense and was getting back to being herself.  


I went from lost and unsure to relieved.  Have you ever had an experience that led you to question everything?  Comment, I'd love to hear your story.  


As always, Your life is your practice.


To Meditate or Not to Meditate…


It’s Story Time…