Keep your heart on the Divine and your head in the world…

I've been in a struggle with myself and God (the divine or whatever word you choose to use), so as I read the Yoga Sutras today, this really hit home.  I love it when my reading gives me the answer I need.  


I was reading Sutra 16.  It says, “When there is non-thirst for even the gunas (constitutes of nature) due to the realize of the Purusa (TrueSelf), that is supreme non-attachment.  Swami Satchidananda  goes on to explain that when you fully rest your mind on God that you can play on the playground of the world.  He further says, ”We need not be afraid of the world if we learn to enjoy it."  


I've been struggling with some things.  I need a regular source of income to support me while I build my business, while I've applied for jobs, nothing has come from them.  One I thought would be a go, wasn't.  I've applied through a couple of  tutoring companies, one just didn't work, the other, every job I request, I don't get.  


I've been filled with worry, angst and frustration.  It's been overwhelming and I've felt stuck.  Late last week, some reading hit me and today, this hit me even more.  Instead of being filled with all of the worry, angst and frustration, I've decided to focus on the things I'm grateful for, use the arsenal of tools I've curated over the years, and find peace in the midst of chaos.  Yes, even though I teach this stuff, I sometimes slip into worry and despair.  But then I am reminded of who I am and what I am.  This is your reminder to remember you, remember your divinity, remember your connection to Devine.  Remember you aren't your past, but you're made up from it. You're not your future, be patient, it's coming.  You're your present.  Live fully, beautifully in all of the emotions of the present.  


As always, Your life is your practice.


How do you leap?


To Meditate or Not to Meditate…