What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

I’ve been working through some things these last couple of weeks as I work on writing more intently. There have been many times I’ve gotten stuck at a place. Here are 3 things I’ve done when I’ve gotten stuck in my head.


Move-When you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck, physical movement can be incredibly helpful. It not only helps to release tension from the body but can also clear the mind.  Try a gentle yoga flow or walk, which can provide solace and a sense of connection, or even a dance party to release any pent up tension.  

  • Thankfully, we've had a lot of nicer weather lately.  I've been able to take a walk.  This movement has helped clear my head and give me new direction when I needed it.

Do Something Different- Sometimes, it's not enough to simply step away from the task at hand; you need to engage your mind in a completely different activity. You could do this by exploring creative outlets like painting, writing, or even cooking a new recipe. These activities can provide a much-needed distraction while still allowing for emotional expression.

  • One of the other things I've done when I tire of sitting in front of the computer writing, I'll get up and do the dishes or fold laundry.  Yesterday, showering helped create some space and give me a burst of ideas.

Change Directions: When all else fails, sometimes the best approach is to pivot entirely. Embrace spontaneity and try something you've never done before. This could be as simple as exploring a new hobby or as bold as embarking on a spontaneous adventure.

  • When I'm really stuck, I just completely change tasks that I'm working on.  I'll move to something else, then come back to what was frustrating me.

I also try to limit distractions and create some tunnel vision.  I have a dedicated space to work.  I'm working at creating a specific time for things (I'm struggling with this and open to ideas).  Finally, take a few moments, breath or meditate to help center yourself before getting started.

 What do you do when you're stuck?  

 As always, Your life is your practice.


The Beauty I See in You


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