

Telegram Group

Feel Seen and Heard

Community has played a large role in post traumatic growth. 

My friends have helped me create new ways of celebrating holidays and will check up on me when they haven’t seen me in awhile.  They have become my family since I don’t have much family left.  They lift me up and I wouldn’t be where I am without them.  

Community spaces have supported me in my growth.  I have met soul sisters in these spaces.  Those who have become so precious to me, many are in this container. 

My growth through these containers has been exponential. It's what gave me the courage to leave my day job and pursue entrepreneurship full time.  It’s what has supported me through all of the changes over the last few years.  I love it when I get a message from Kandice or Jenny asking how I am or what’s going on to my bi-monthly business meet up with Kristi.  The kinship I feel cannot be described.  These women are just two examples of the support in this community.  

I also have support at other communities, connecting deeply with these people has created life long friendships and what I like to call business buddies.